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澳大利亚求购新型润滑油。buying Sophisticated Environmental Breakthrough Lubication Oil
"澳大利亚求购新型润滑油。buying Sophisticated Environmental Breakthrough Lubication Oil
Toho9000 Superb Engine Oil Additive Sophisticated Environmental Breakthrough lubrication oil, one and only proven product in
oil protection contributes superior performance.
Exceeds above all level of aspect requirements to sustain its long lasting operating condition, providing efficiency and
performance to dramatic reduction emission. Maintaining satisfactory viscosity level through out the extended life span of
the oil by 10 to 20 times longer, by minimizes friction it reduces positive ion accumulating caused by friction in the
engine. With is it will even double the life span of the engine working life.
Toho9000 work like a vitamin for all type of oil need to increase oil quality, Toho9000 immediately upgrade its quality by
enormous amount, batter then any conventional oil out there.
It took fifteen long years, but the most importantly years of research and developing by six university scientists in Japan
to create Toho9000 formula for us to be well prepare our self from Peak oil Crisis imposed on us. The hard work have achieved
with the six outstanding results that we have seen and understood the remarkable and unique performance Toho9000 have shown
us for the past decade.
We continue to learn and keep share this sophisticated product that be a very big help to our 21st century way of life, as we
all know we are living in a petroleum base lifestyle, Petroleum is part of our infrastructure of our society today and
Toho9000 have proven the important issues of our society regarding petroleum.
It is a crime to waste water in our society today, But however we all think it is a sin to waste oil. Dont waste it prolong
it with Toho9000, Oil cannot be recycled and we are vastly running out of oil for our next generation to come.
Toho9000 offies us1, long lasting neutralising effect, 2 oil fitter replacement only once in 200,000 km. 3, High level of
heat resistance, 4 increase performances in marcher and engine 5, Acts as a cooling agent for the oil, 6 A
Company name:BIBLIS Holdings PTY LTD
Address:115/83-93 Dalmany Ave Rosebery N.S.W. 2018 Australia
Contact Person:Swee Kim Ng(Company Director)
Telephone: 61-2-96633963
Fax: 61-2-96623608
Mobile Phone: 0404-452-666
EMAIL: info[at]toho9000.com
website: http://www.toho9000.com.au