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埃及求购女士内衣内裤seeking lady panty and brief simple styl

埃及求购女士内衣内裤seeking lady panty and brief simple styles cotton
We are seeking lady panty and brief simple styles cotton also men"s underwear, briefs and boxerswe New designs are welcome we look for product specfications and best prices cataloges and samples is essential You best best prices & and inform us the best shipment time delivery: TTENTION: YOUR BEST PRICES SHOULD BE IN BASE ONLY OF FOLLOWING:
联系方式公司名称: Mira Export & Import Corp.联系人: Mahmoud Gaid Elmarakby(owner)电话: 20 - 02 - 4197558传真: 20 - 02 - 4150053地址: 26th Emam Ali Street Ismalia Square Heliopolis Cairo Helipolis 11733 Egypt(Egypt)